Kids Corner

Saturday, September 02, 2006


I have to admit. I had no desire to see this movie. Sure I read the book by Judy Blume a million years ago and from what I can recall, I did like it, but watching kids eat worms on the big screen? Well, it was between that and "Snakes on a Plane," so I opted to go for worms. Boy, was I surprised. This movie was a complete delight! I felt like I was transported back to my days as a fourth grader when the school bully tried to boss everyone around in her wake (yes our school bully was a girl) and eventually, we all got disgusted with her and stopped being her friend. Anyway, enough about my reminiscenses. This film has the makings of a kids classic - like "Bad News Bears" - one of those films that has you smiling and flashing back to childhood from the moment it begins. So if you haven't taken the kids to see "Fried Worms" yet, you don't know what you're missing. It's queasy good fun for the whole family!


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